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Survey Results

From June 4 to July 2, 2024, registered voters in the USD 294 school district were invited to share their thoughts about how best to tackle the aging facility infrastructure of the school buildings.  The Docking Institute from Fort Hays State University conducted the survey and analyzed the results. The survey participation rate exceeded expectations at 25% or 435 surveys returned out of the 1,770 mailed.​​


  • The study finds 58.5% of respondents supportive of a $10 million school bond, while only slightly under half (47.9%) of all respondents are supportive of a $15 million bond.

  • Each of the Board-identified mandatory needs for a one-campus solution is highly supported by the 58.5% majority who would vote for a bond of $10 million.

  • Among the 58.5% majority supportive of a $10 million bond, there is strong preference for a one-campus solution, with 68.1% of these respondents preferring one campus and only 21.7% of these respondents preferring two campuses.

  • And even among all respondents there is a substantially larger percentage (47.8%) who prefer a one-campus solution than a two-campus solution (32.8%).

  • Among those preferring a one-campus solution, the most common themes for doing so are cost effectiveness and combining resources.

  • Bond support is highest among those ages 18 to 44, and opposition is highest among those over 65.

To view the presentation or read the full survey report, click on the links below.  

More Detail about the Questions on the Survey

To understand the facility needs, here are definitions of the terms included on the survey and a tax calculator to help you understand the tax implications of different bond amounts.

Replace aged electrical/plumbing/HVAC; Install fire safety systems

This project would replace our aging heating & cooling systems with new ones that cost far less money to operate and maintain. The new systems also meet code requirements for fresh air to manage air quality inside the school, making it healthier for students and staff to breathe.


The electrical system is not adequate to run today’s technology, let alone support a new heating and cooling system, so electric service would be updated throughout the facility. New electric has the added benefit of being safer.


Original plumbing/pipes would be replaced with new for improved water supply and discharge flow. The project would update lighting throughout the school with more energy efficient fixtures.


The entire school would get fire/smoke alarms as well as fire sprinklers for safety.


ADA-compliant restrooms and locker rooms

This project would provide new, lower-usage faucets and fixtures to conserve water. New stall configurations in the bathrooms and a new layout in locker rooms would be easier to access for people with mobility issues. New walls, floors, and other surfaces will be easy to wipe down and keep clean, which means less maintenance.


Meet ADA requirements throughout the school

Widen doorways and entrances, install ADA-compliant drinking fountains and sinks, install code-compliant ramps throughout the facility. In the elementary (if applicable), add an elevator to make it possible for individuals with mobility concerns to access all floors.


High School/Junior High Classroom addition

Add a new junior/high school classroom wing with an entrance on the south (by parking) that is separate from the elementary. The current junior/high school will be remodeled into the elementary space with a secure entrance to the north. This option saves $1.5 million in rental costs for temporary modular classrooms and provides long-term, annual savings by eliminating duplicated services (like food services), facilities (like libraries), and equipment (like copiers) currently needed in two separate schools.


Secure entrance; Interior finish remodels needed due to other work

Build new entrances with secure vestibules for students. Replace ceilings and other finishes that were removed or ruined during installation of updated electrical/plumbing/HVAC/fire systems. Install new, more energy efficient windows.


Asbestos abatement

Our school facilities were built at a time when asbestos was a common building component. This project would safely remove and dispose of all asbestos within the facilities.

Tax Calculator

Please enter your assessed property value, not the appraised value.For information on how to find your assessed value, see below.

Estimated tax change for a bond in the amount of:

$30M Monthly

$30M Yearly

$25M Monthly

$25M Yearly

$20M Monthly

$20M Yearly

$15M Monthly

$15M Yearly

$10M Monthly

$10M Yearly

The median home value in Decatur County is $66,100. That means that half of the homes are valued at less than $66,100 and half are valued more than that amount. The assessed value of the median home in Decatur County is 11.5% of $66,100, or $7,648. The assessed value is the number you would put in the estimated property tax calculator, above.


If you have your Revenue Neutral Rate report, it will show you the assessed value of your property. It's the number on the far right in the column Current Year Assessed.  On the example below, the home has an appraised value of $109,560. The assessed property value of this residence is $13,034 (circled below in green). The $13,034 is the number you would enter in the estimated property tax calculator. 

If you don't have your Revenue Neutral Rate Report, you can calculate your assessed value from your appraised value using the following guides: 

  • ​For Residential Property, assessed valuation is equal to 11.5% of the appraised (market) value

  • For Commercial Property, assessed valuation is equal to 25% of the appraised (market) value

  • For Ag Land, assessed valuation is equal to 30% of the use value

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